How a one-day ROI workshop could help you get more from your data, cut through to customers and drive growth. Indicia Worldwide’s North America CEO Harris Atkins explains.
According to Gartner*, 63% of digital marketing leaders still report that leveraging integrated customer data for digital marketing execution presents a major challenge.
The amount of data at our fingertips can be overwhelming, but it’s a powerful tool that’s critical to driving brand growth and ROI. Many brands jump to overhauling a specific channel to grow customer engagement. But strategy and creative should be in the driver’s seat. By combining them with technology, brands can discover how to use the data at their fingertips to provide unique, joined-up customer experiences across every touchpoint.
We helped our client Big Health create a customer-centric strategy based on data insights. We also established a clear direction for their brand and redefined the customer journey. The first step was gathering key stakeholders from both businesses together for an immersive and collaborative one-day workshop.
What our ROI workshop with Big Health accomplished:
This immersive experience offered the Big Health team time to focus on the key challenges they faced. With our insight and expertise, they were equipped to unlock the Iterable platform, to cut through to consumers and build creative customer journeys.
If you’re interested in learning more about how to use the data at your fingertips to strengthen your customer connections, don’t hesitate to reach out.
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