To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Apple’s App Store, we’ve created an infographic to show how it still leads the pack.
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Apple’s App Store, we’ve created an infographic to show how it still leads the pack.
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Apple’s App Store, we’ve created an infographic to show how it still leads the pack.
It feels like we’ve always had apps, doesn’t it? Without our banking, maps Whatsapp, Spotify or Instagram app, we’d be rather lost and our iPhone would feel a barren place.
But actually, a mere ten years ago, Apple was only just launching its App Store. And no one predicted just what a giant it would become.
Today, the App Store is home to a mind-boggling two million applications, ranging from the mainstream to the hyper-niche.
To celebrate its glorious Appiversary (see what we did there?) we put something together to show what sets Apple apart.
What makes Apple’s App Store so impressive is not its size – after all, Android users can choose between 3.8 million apps. It’s profitability that makes Apple’s offering the undisputed champ.
Could this be a product of the slicker design? Apple’s strong brand equity? Or simply because it was the first? We think it’s a bit of all three.
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