How an alliance between procurement and marketing can transform your brand’s spending and drive stronger marketing performance. Download our free report now…
How an alliance between procurement and marketing can transform your brand’s spending and drive stronger marketing performance. Download our free report now…
How an alliance between procurement and marketing can transform your brand’s spending and drive stronger marketing performance. Download our free report now…
In times of shrinking marketing budgets and increased scrutiny on spend, the key word for CMOs around the world is collaboration. Marketing leaders must team up with leaders from across the business to get results.
This is particularly true of marketing's relationship with procurement. Inefficient spending goes against both marketing's and procurement's interests, and the global economic slowdown only serves to emphasise the point.
'Leaner better faster marketing' explores the role of the CMO in getting closer to procurement to achieve leaner marketing – but crucially also to get better results out of marketing spend.
The paper explores…
How to build a marketing supply chain that's fit for purpose, bringing together efficiency of spend and marketing performance
The role of procurement, and how to apply Total Cost of Ownership methodology to buy marketing that's both efficient and effective
Examples of global brands who are already developing new ways of working.
Find out what factors influence how marketing people perceive procurement, and what a progressive procurement mindset looks like.
And, discover how to shift your marketing procurement practises from a linear value chain to a performance cycle.
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