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Knowledge sharing

Five key skills marketers need in our ‘never normal’ world

Author: Indicia Worldwide team 18 May 2018

With shifts in consumer preferences and constant emergence of new marketing channels, there are a range of skills marketers need to be successful...

Digital disruption: A blessing not a curse for broadcasters

Author: Indicia Worldwide team 12 April 2018

Our Commercial Director Ryan Shannon on why digital disruption should be embraced, not feared

Efficient and effective – fixing the broken agency model

Author: Andy Penfold 11 February 2018

Recent research from ISBA has found that nearly two thirds of advertisers are shifting towards stronger relationships with fewer suppliers, favouring agencies w...

Get a taste of Fresh Blood 3.0

Author: Indicia Worldwide team 24 November 2017

Get a taste for our Fresh Blood 3.0 event, a feast of insight into the marketing industry for potential recruits.

How to get your strategy right for Black Friday

Author: Andy Penfold 20 November 2017

The boom in A.I. is all about making data work for you

Author: Andy Penfold 02 November 2017

What with Alexa, autonomous cars and Blade Runner 2049 replicants, we can’t move for A.I. hype right now. But how does the tech impact marketers and what do mar...

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